It's been a couple of weeks since I've written a Juggle Source post. A lot of my energy has gone to JoniTDesigns on my Etsy store, and another online store I'm working on. But this week I've had the pleasure of working with a couple of Juggle Source clients.
It's been a tough week in our world! We thought a worldwide virus and STAY at HOME orders were hard enough. But then incidents of racism erupted and disheartened many of us. Projects and "to do" lists for clients and the traction of business for Juggle Source was a great distraction.
This week I consulted on yard work and then got in and got my hands dirty. Between this client's yard and my own, my feet and hands are begging for some TLC. I ran errands to Home Depot, managed a client's drape alteration, hit the grocery store, and began a paint job, that I will finish next week.
One client's privacy is important to her. This was a first for me, but I am happy to honor the request. Keeping client privacy is not difficult, but not sharing live "footage" of my daily tasks was a little hard, as I've gotten into a new practice of sharing regularly on Instagram.
As states begin to relax Stay at Home orders and our economy opens up, we will continue to practice CDC Recommendations, in an effort to keep this ugly virus at bay. If you are concerned about exposure to the virus, keep in mind that I have limited exposure and am diligent about using best practices in public spaces. When with my clients, I wear masks and keep my distance. We will discuss your unique requests before we begin working together.
That's it for now. Here's to each of us doing what we can to flatten the curve for a renewed economy, restored health, and justice for all.